Ways of Improving a Better Education. - Northxclaim.Com

Ways of Improving a Better Education.

What is the purpose of education, Importance Of Education In Nigeria, Ways Of Improving A Better Education.

What is the purpose ff education and ways of improving a better education.

Education is the method of learning and advancing one self to learn certain things, education was not known in the olden era so people in that era knew nothing about educating one self or acquiring any knowledge so they live with no form of knowing things, except their cultures and traditions.

Education is very important because only with education will we have a better nation and in a developing growth.

To say without education we wouldn’t have had any leader leading us in our various country and his or her constituent because its only with acquiring the education can one know all his right and whats is supposed of him or her, only through education will we have leaders developing us and having a brighter future assuming our leaders are not educated we won’t be having anything like politics.

Education is very important to our upcoming generations because its only with the education and learning can we have doctors, engineer’s, teachers etc.

If they were not educated they wouldn’t have had the ability to be who they are. Education reduces the rate of terrorism, crisis and lots more because these individuals turn out to be in that condition because of lack of education. If they are in class being educated they wouldn’t have such motives with them because they will tend to have a better and brighter future and dreams to live.

Importance Of Education In Nigeria.

1. Education eradicates the rate of crisis in Nigeria because that is one of the problem we face.

2. Education gives us the opportunity to learn trades and entrepreneurship to help us hold unto ourselves and make a better living.

3. Education brings out one’s hidden ability and it can help out one to voice out his or her problems.

4. Through education can we have a betterment Nigeria and better governance.

5. Education is important because no one will be dull and not know what he or she is doing and it also can redecorate a persons life, because knowledge is light.

Most people in Northern Nigeria do not find interest in educating their children because they have this thought with them that once a child goes to school he or she comes out with a bad behaviour due to some influence.

Educating your child is the best thing you will do to that child because once educated you’ve done everything, giving him or hrt the right to decide what to do, also the person will find something doing to hold unto and even help the family too. Northerners have it in mind that once they send their child to school especially the girl child she will spoil and will not marry early.

The Nigerian Educating is fall down due to some schools not having the vital teachers or instrumental materials in training the students, mostly that’s consisting the government schools. On the other hand the private schools are very expensive and not all parents can afford that so entirely that child’s educational life is being crashed down totally, and we don’t have accredited politicians that can help eradicate such problem’s in the educational aspect.

Ways Of Improving A Better Education.

1. Electing a credible leader that will inspire the educational ascent of his country or community.

2. Sharing awareness of the importance of education to our parents and the outcome of it.

3. Creating awareness that with education there will be no conflict or crisis in the environment because no educated person will choose the way of conflict for him or her self.

Basically, Education is vitally, morally and religiously important because only when we are educated can there be accelerate to the betterment if our country.

What is the purpose of education? Importance of education in Nigeria. Ways of improving a better education.

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