How To Get Free Laptop Gifts From NITDA Coursera Scholarship - Northxclaim.Com
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How To Get Free Laptop Gifts From NITDA Coursera Scholarship

How To Get Free Laptop Gifts From NITDA Coursera Scholarship

How To Get Free Laptop Gifts From NITDA Coursera Scholarship – Remember that we published an update a few weeks ago regarding the NITDA COURSERA Scholarship Cohort 2 application for you to apply? The Cohort 2 of the NITDA Coursera cooperation for Job ready skills training begins on Monday, June 19, 2023 (for 6 months) as part of the Federal Government’s pledge to create 1 million jobs in the digital economy.

According to NITDA, the first ten registrants who achieve a professional certification (Associate, Professional, or Expert Level) will receive a free laptop.

In accordance with this, NITDA will hold an induction webinar on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. The time is 2:30 p.m. You can join the induction by clicking on the following Zoom link:

Applicants who submitted for the NITDA COURSERA

Scholarship Cohort 2 could expect more training instructions from NITDA beginning tomorrow, June 19th, 2023.

To win the laptop, you must be one of the first 10 people to achieve a professional certification (which includes the Associate, Professional, and Expert Levels).

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